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Colt Cams Stage 2 V10 TDI engine

Colt Cams Stage 2 V10 TDI engine Ultimate Camshaft Option for the VW V10 TDI Massive Airflow Upgrade 10-20% power gain depending mods

CAD $ 2,699.99

Colt Cams Stage 2 V10 TDI engine
Ultimate Camshaft Option for the VW V10 TDI
Massive Airflow Upgrade 10-20% power gain depending mods

the V10 engine has the same camshaft profile bad design as the 4cyl PD engine on hte market

Brand : Colt Cams
Price : CAD $ 2,699.99
Application Guide : Volkswagen /

Colt Cams Stage 2 V10 TDI engine

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